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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sins of My Skin: Affirmation of Others

In my experience as an African American and in a broad range of conversations that I have had with other African Americans I have discovered a common thread the need of affirmation from others. Many live their lives in hopes to receive adoration and affirmation from their peers.  That's really what that outfit is about because you are bothered if no one notices it.  That's really what that hair do is about because you are bothered if someone doesn't like it.  That's really what that car is about  that's why you have to tell everybody about it. That's really what the house is about because you are bothered if no one comes over.  That's really what that vacation is about that's why you have to check in and post pictures everywhere you go.  This need for affirmation is so subconscious that we are not even aware that we are doing it or desiring it.  All of these things help give people a sense of identity/image. 

The gospel offers you affirmation from God when you seek to understand the gospel truth God gives you a new identity and new image.  No longer is it based on what you have but it is based on who you have.  No longer is it based on how good you look to others but it is based on do you look like Him. God seeks to be the one who gives you affirmation!!  Isn't God's affirmation the only one that's going to matter on that DAY anyway?  You do know that you are the apple of God's eye? 

Scripture Reference: Psalms 17:8a

God bless,
Bondservant Hollis

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