· What do you spend most of your day thinking about? Is it the
will of God for your life?
· What do you think about when you first wake up? Is it how
can your participate in what God is doing in your community?
· What do you think about before you go to bed? Is it an
evaluation of how you can grow in your walk with God?
Often times what we feel in our
hearts and what we make up our minds to do aren't in harmony with one another.
When this happens we been have deceived:
· When you say you love Jesus with everything but fail to
support the kingdom of God.
· When you say you believe Jesus is the door but are a
proponent of religious tolerance.
· When you say love God but hate your brother whom you see every
· When you say God gave you an assignment but you doing
everything but that assignment.
Beloved don't be deceived ask God to
help your heart and mind to be centered on Him and his purposes.
Bondservant Hollis
Awesome!!! Gave me something to think about!! Nicole Primm