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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Less Equals More

What happens when less equals more?  When we sin less it yields more fellowship with God.  When we spend less on ourselves it yields more opportunities to give to others in need.  When we complain less it yields more opportunities speak life.  When we worry less it gives us more opportunities to experience the peace of God.  When we spend less time in our comfort zone it yields more opportunities to step out on faith.

Ultimately the less you look like yourself the more opportunities you have to look more like Christ.  Jesus the Christ often turned common logic upside down.  For instance, Jesus said:
  • Love your enemies
  • Pray for those who persecute you
  • Blessed those who hate you
You see when you look at life through the lens of Christ less equals more makes perfect sense.  In this Lenten season what are you willing to do, have, or give less of in order to look more like a disciple of Jesus the Christ?

Scripture Reference Matthew 5 (Sermon on the Mount)

God bless,
Bondservant Hollis

Monday, February 13, 2012

Theology of Worship: Principle #5 Worship is a necessity.

I believe that worship is a necessity.   All of God’s creations were designed for one purpose and that is to worship the Creator.  Thusly, there is a lack in each of God’s creation that can only be fulfilled by worshiping the Creator.   Worship is what our soul longs for.  Worship completes us.  Without adequate worship our lives are mundane and unfulfilled.   We have an unexplainable desire for God in our DNA that is fulfilled, suppressed, or denied.   No matter how one decides to respond to this desire the need for it is undeniable.  Worship is as essential as breathing.  You can either breathe effectively and efficiently or you can struggle for breath.  Worship is the lifeblood of the believer.  Thusly, I conclude that worship is a necessity.
Scripture Reference:  Psalms 42:1
God Bless,
Bondservant Hollis

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Theology of Worship: Principle #4 Worship Is Obedience To GOD.

I believe that worship is obedience to God.  Amos chapter five lets us know that it is not ritual acts but obedience that is at the heart of worship.   It is not how loud we are or what we say but the heart of worship is what our actions say about the God we serve.  Obedience is better than sacrifice is how the writer of Samuel lays it down.  Worship is not a song or a hymn that talks about the attributes of God.  Worship is a life surrendered to God that lives out the attributes of God in a world that is desperately in need of a God.  Worship is to obedience as illumination is to revelation.  You cannot have authentic worship without obedience to God.   Worship is a matter of the heart and it is what we believe in our heart that determines our actions.  If God is center place in our hearts then our actions are sure to reflect that.  Thusly, I conclude that worship is obedience to God because God cares more about your obedience than mere words.
Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 15:22
God bless,
Bondservant Hollis

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Principle #3 Worship Is Our Proper Response To God.

I believe that worship is how we as believers are to respond to God.  In light of the redemptive work of Jesus the Christ the only adequate response is to present our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is our form of spiritual worship.   I agree with the thinking that suggests worship is not just a Sunday morning activity but worship is what we do in light of what God has done, is doing, and will do.  Thusly, I suggest that proper worship includes the entire being of an individual!  Proper worship is inclusive of one’s mind, body, and soul it is with our entire being we worship God!

Scripture Reference: Romans 12:1-2

God bless,
Bondservant Hollis

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Theology of Worship: Principle #2 Worship Is Intentional

I believe that one has to purpose to worship.  Though it is not our natural response to focus on anything else other than ourselves worship has to be intentional.  Worship requires an intentional awareness that God is worthy of adoration.  Worship is intentionally being conscious or aware that God is deserving of our affection.  Worship does not happen on accident it has to be intentional and desired by the person who seeks to offer it.  Psalms 105 suggest that we should always seek His (God) face.  That is to always seek God’s presence.  Seek denotes that you are intentionally looking for something.  Thus, I conclude that worship is intentional.

Scripture Reference: Psalm 105

God bless,
Bondservant Hollis

Monday, February 6, 2012

Theology Of Worship: Principle #1 Worship Requires Relationship

Over the next few days I would like to share with you some aspects that form my theology of worship.  It is my heartfelt belief that worship requires a relationship.  My basis is the Johannine scripture that states,” God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."  How can one truly worship God without God’s spirit within them?  I believe that it is the Spirit of God within us that gives us the access to heavenly.  For who can discern the mind of God except the Spirit of God?  Who are those who have the Spirit of God?  Those who confess hope and trust in Jesus the Christ and enter into relationship with him.  Thusly, I conclude that worship requires relationship!

Scripture Reference: John 4:24

God bless,
Bondservant Hollis

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself

President Franklin D. Roosevelt made famous the phrase, " The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself."  This prophetic statement is never more true than in the life of the believer in Jesus The Christ.  What are you afraid of?  One of the most common fears is the fear of the unknown.   That fear that comes from not knowing how a certain situation in your life is going to play out.  That fear that comes from not knowing what's next in your life.  That fear that comes from not knowing who you can trust.  That fear that comes from doing something that you have never done before. Does any of this sound familiar?

Let me ask you a few questions.  If we are to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not to our own understanding then why fear not knowing?  If a good man steps is ordered by the Lord then why fear what's next?  If God is not a man that he should lie or repent then why are we fearful about who we can trust?  If God is with us then why be fearful about something just because you never done it before? 

So what are you getting at Trell?  When we are fearful it indicates a lack of love for God!  You see perfect love casts out fear!  The more you become aware of God's love for you the less fearful you become about what life throws at you.

Scripture Reference: 1 John 4:18

God bless,
Bondservant Hollis